Want to raise your emotional intelligence (EQ)
in easy common sense ways?
Super consistent happiness* (life's biggest prize)
Feel more in touch with yourself
Logically reach your goals & dreams and manifest the life you want
Cheat Codes to a Higher EQ 👇
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I’m Chris Newth, EQ coach, former associate producer on CONAN, and longtime grocery store cinnamon roll enthusiast—here to teach you logical ways to understand your emotions better so you can enjoy life more. Damn, I love saying that.
In July of 2019 I changed my life by purposely prioritizing my happiness as much as I could. And then I noticed that doing that had super logical ADVANTAGES.
I had better thoughts more often. More clear-headedness. I started to see simpler solutions to problems I had. I was able to hold my cool way better. I was able to interpret things that happened to me in more positive ways. I made better choices. I felt deeper connections and made better impressions with people.
And every one of ☝️those things changed changed my life, almost overnight—my stress & anxiety disappeared, my confidence grew, and I found super consistent happiness. I felt like myself.
So I teach people how to do this too.
Cheat Codes to ⬆️ Your EQ
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"Chris’s coaching is so uplifting and easy to follow!
He’s like the human equivalent of a vitamin B 12 shot! His energy is infectious in the best way.
If you’re new to manifesting, or just want a surge of positive energy in your life, look no further than Chris!"
-Stacy C.
Life is about the FEELS!
Emotions are everything. Really. Think about it:
✳️ They're behind ALL our dreams (everything we want is because we think we'll FEEL good when it happens)
✳️ They determine everything we say & do, which results in different outcomes (good & bad)
✳️ They determine the LENS we see and interpret life through.
Turns out, big deal.
So pay attention to them.
Understand what they're telling you.
Keep them in mind as you think and make choices throughout your day!
If you use your emotions to guide you, life is gonna be wayyyy more fun, easy, and happy.
By the way, this seems like a great time to mention that I have a super easy cheat sheet that tells you EXACTLY HOW you can use your emotions to know what to do thru your day!
It breaks things down by how you FEEL and tells you EXACT steps you can take to minimize the bad, maximize the good, and enjoy the most you can out of life!
👇 Vibe with it 👇

Keetin M.
Chris's way of simplifying and combining larger ideas and practices is amazing. I'm starting to do these positive things subconsciously now that it feels so effortless. I have had so many "ah ha!" moments in the weeks since working with him. It's been an incredible step forward in how I deal with my own mental health and attitude every day.

Qiana T.
Surround yourself with people who speak life into you! Chris is very passionate about helping people achieve their goals and desires and you'll feel that through his coaching.
I found Chris at a point in my journey that I needed to be surrounded by positive thinking and focus on what is in store. . . He is very uplifting and encouraging. He definitely passes the vibe check. I highly recommend his coaching.

Dylan C.
I absolutely loved my experience with Chris's group class! I did it with my wife and I felt like we came out of it with a whole new language to use when talking about how we felt that allowed us to better understand each other's needs. He made it understandable and enjoyable in a way that I really appreciated. Highly recommend!
You deserve to be happy.
But happiness is a daily practice.
If you want company on your journey, that's what we're here for!